
Lynn M. LoPucki
Levin, Mabie & Levin Professor of Law at the UF Law School
Senator Biden (the One Who is Now President) Attacks My Bankruptcy Venue Research
- The Florida-UCC Filing System Disaster
The impact of the Florida Supreme Court’s decision in 1944 Beach Boulevard
- Florida-UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database
Design and run your own empirical studies of big-case bankruptcies in an abbreviated version of the Bankruptcy Research Database.
- Chapter 11’s Descent into Lawlessness
Belk’s one-day Chapter 11 in the bankruptcy-court-competition context.
- The Stakeholder Takeover Project
A plan for corporate stakeholders to use their market power to force corporations to act in socially responsible ways.
- Bankruptcy Visuals
View or download free copies of colorful graphics that explain procedure under Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13 of the U.S.Bankruptcy Code.
- VisiLaw
A patented system for marking statutes to make them easier to read.
Articles and Manuscripts
View a list of Lynn M. LoPucki’s writings with links to those available online. For a PDF version, download Lynn M. LoPucki’s CV.

Courting Failure: How Competition for Big Cases is Corrupting the Bankruptcy Courts

Secured Transactions: A Systems Approach
Co-authored with Elizabeth Warren, Robert M Lawless, Pamela Foohey
10th Edition, 2024, Aspen Publishing

Strategies for Creditors in Bankruptcy Proceedings
Co-authored with Christopher R. Mirick and Christopher G.Bradley
7th Edition, 2021, Wolters Kluwer

Commercial Transactions: A Systems Approach
Co-authored with Elizabeth Warren, Daniel L. Keating,
Ronald J. Mann, Robert M. Lawless, Pamela Foohey
8th Edition, 2024, Aspen Publishing

Business Associations 2024 Statutory Supplement

Business Associations: A Systems Approach
Co-authored with Andrew Verstein
2nd Edition, 2024, Aspen Publishing

Professional Fees in Corporate Bankruptcies: Data, Analysis, and Evaluation
Co-author with Joseph W. Doherty
2011, Oxford University Press